Saturday, June 8, 2013

acai berry ice cream

The oblique creations of the new ice maker
Frozen delicacies from red beet or saffron instead of unsophisticated vanilla ice cream. The oblique creations of the new ice cream makers have the time no one indifferent.
Vienna, Neustiftgasse 23: A crowd of people in front of a small ice cream shop. The crowd is huge. But it is not a traditional ice cream shop that is just opened here. "Veganista" is the name of the store is Austria's first ice cream parlor with exclusively vegan ice.

With such a rush, the two sisters Cecilia Blochberger and Susanna Paller did not expect. For more than one and a half years they have been preparing for this moment, countless attempts have decided to ice cream that are made with either cow's milk, eggs or chemical flavorings. Now they have 18 varieties in the program which are strictly produced according vegan criteria. "Vegan", which means the total absence of animal products, but instead are soy, rice or coconut milk used. Come this fruit, maple syrup and sugar.

Explore boundaries of taste

In business with frozen treats, a new era has already begun. More and more Eisgeschäfte of a different kind now dominate the market. Whether "organic ice" or frozen exotic fruit that ice made from vegetables or spices, the craft of ice cream makers has changed significantly., The traditional ice cream parlors in the Italian style have acquired a new and sometimes unconventional competition. "Our saffron ice cream was sold out after a few hours, "exults Cecilia Blochberger the new vegan ice temple in Neustiftgasse. She feeds for 28 years vegan and has brought the British hand-made cosmetics brand "Lush" by Austria about seven years ago. With the money she earned while she now has financed the Veganista-Parlor.'s Know how in Eismachen comes to Most of her sister Susanna, who even attended a "Ice Cream University" in the United States. Yes, there is such a thing.

In a curious cold creations is also Peter Kail from the Parlor "Lepantos" in the ball alley in the center of Vienna. Former marketing professional has with his ice shelf rather unsophisticated vanilla or chocolate ice unusual combinations like caramel with fleur de sel, cucumber with wasabi and ginger honey. Among his "standard varieties" include jasmine, beetroot and cherry.

Kail has developed his taste for exotic ice delicacies during his travels among the top chefs of Europe. He experimented in his business as a food laboratory. Nothing seems to him unusual enough to make not arise Frozen of a different kind from it.

Relatively unconventional looks and the Parlor "Summer Samba" on Yppenplatz, corner Yppengasse in Vienna Ottakring., Where ice cream is made from ingredients that have a long way behind. They come mainly from Brazil. Some of them are fruits that this country hardly anyone knows. Operators Waltraud and Wolfgang Marschall have realized their exotic Dschungeleisdiele by a model in the Amazonian city of Manaus. Outstanding especially the flavorful mango ice cream.


Refreshingly different is the "ice-grocer" Operators Anita and Georg Blochberger are actually organic dairy farmers from Krumbach in the Hunchback world your idea... A Eismanufaktur in the Frozen from biologically derived milk is produced Thus, the 35 cows "Ice Greissler" their most valuable employees. In the small ice cream shop in Vienna, Lower Austria, organic farmers sell 18 ice cream flavors, including such unusual creations such as ice asparagus, goat cheese or Elderflower. Overall, they have been created nearly 90 different varieties, all. No artificial flavorings and no egg yolk and egg white

Besides Eismachern also those who currently high season, which specialized in the production of "Frozen Yogurt" Thus has the salon. "MALU - Froyo 'n Shakes" ( in the Rotenturmstraße developed a cult shop . On hot days, there are people in four rows in front of the entrance. A similar picture of Kurt Frozen Yogurt, which in Vienna now has two outbuildings and a recently opened in Innsbruck.

Classics and inclined showroom

Veganista: Susanna Paller and Cecilia Blochberger (right) opened this Tuesday their vegan ice cream parlor. No additives, no animal products such as milk or eggs. Highlight: the saffron ice cream. 1070 Vienna, Neustiftgasse 23/3, 11-19 daily clock.

Lepantos: The weirdest ice cream parlor in town. Owner Peter Kail processed in its cool "laboratory" as good as anything to ice top varieties. Beet, jasmine, cucumber with wasabi 1010 Vienna, Ballgasse 4, Wed, Thu, Fri. 14 to 19.30 , 12 to 19.30 Sat, Sun 14-18 clock.

Ice Greissler: Eismanufaktur with ice creams made with organic milk. No artificial flavorings and colorings or preservatives. All natural. 18 different varieties to choose from. 1010 Vienna, Rotenturmstraße 14, 11-23 daily clock.

Gelateria Hoher Markt: winner of numerous comparative tests. 30 varieties. 1010 Vienna, Hoher Markt 4

Parlor Tuchlauben: For many, the best classic ice Vienna. Top varieties: Walderdbeereis, Blaubeereneis. 1010 Vienna, Tuchlauben 15

Summer Samba: sorbet of exotic Amazonian fruits such as açai, cashew or Graviola. Rather obliquely but good. 1160 Vienna, Yppengasse 1

Tichy: Institution and ancient classics as well as the seat of the "King of Eismarillenknödel" 1100 Vienna, Reumannplatz 13.

Ice Café Steiner: winner of a prize for the best chocolate ice cream in Europe. 1210 Vienna, Pius Parsch 11th place

Parlor on Sweden Place: Traditional particularly crowded Parlor. 1010 Vienna, Franz-Josef-Kai 17

Betsy's Parlor: ice from organic milk. Oblique varieties such as "White Truffle" or "Prosecco". 8010 Graz, Reitschulg. 9

Ice Greissler the same concept as in Vienna with ice made from organic milk. 8010 Graz, Sporgasse 10

Parlor Dolce Vita: Classic, Italian. The salon is considered the best Eisadresse in Salzburg. 5760 Saalfelden, Almer Road 15